Friday 29 May 2009


Right now Iam suffering from the flue. I got fever and Iam so exhausted, my body can hardly even manage to type this blogpost;)


Iam so anxious. The weeks are passing so fast. Soon I´ll be abroad. First doing the final preparations for our wedding, then go thru it, all without my family:S and later go for the honeymoon. And what´s even more scary is that after our honeymoon Iam going to a country where I´ve never been too. And stay there. Start our new life together, and live there for as long as Allah has planned. It´s normal I guess to feel anxious about it.

How will I manage celebrating the best day of my life so far without my family?
How will I manage to live everyday for many days, months maybe even years without seeing my family?
How can a person deal with being almost all alone in a whole new country?

I love my husband of course, and am looking forward to our life soooooo much. But I´m still scared.

Anyone who moved abroad alone or with f.e husband? How did you manage to create a new life for yourself? New friends? New activities? Job? Education?


  1. sweetie, I´m sure it will be fine, see it as an adventure!
    and you know what, you can make videos on youtube to your family so they can see how you are and how you live. so they can feel like they are near you! and also skype is very good to have, then you can talk to your family live.

  2. I agree with Cecilia, see it as an adventure! Sometimes being close to one's family has its disadvantageous too!

  3. Cecilia: thanks for your support sister. Posting videos on youtube, hm, Iam not seeing myself doing that hahah, even though I love watching others videos on the tube;)
    Solace in Islam: dont know how it could be a disadvantage being close to them... Just being near my parents makes me feel better..I don´t even wanna think about when they get older or sicker, and I can´t be here for them...Akh I sooo don´t wish for that day to come.....

    Thanks for your support sisters, I really appreciate it
